This policy applies to all trainings, classes, or any other programs using Arica Institute’s licensed materials, whether operated by Arica Institute or a licensed third party Sponsor. This policy will refer to any such training or class as an “Arica Training” or “Training.”
Oscar Ichazo is the sole Author of all Trainings and owner of trademarks, copyrights and intellectual property of Arica Trainings.
Arica Institute licenses Oscar Ichazo copyrighted and trademarked materials to Sponsors, who have received appropriate training in the Arica method. Only licensed Sponsors and the Arica Institute are permitted to conduct Arica Trainings. Arica Institute requires each Sponsor to conduct its Arica Trainings in accordance with this Admissions Policy, as well as all applicable laws and regulations. Arica Institute is not responsible for any Sponsor’s failure to abide by this policy or any applicable laws or regulations. Each Sponsor is responsible for evaluating and admitting candidates for Arica Trainings conducted by that Sponsor, and exercises discretion over admission decisions for Arica Trainings conducted by that Sponsor, including discretion to decline admission to anyone who, in the opinion of the Sponsor, is unable to meet the admissions requirements. Any concerns regarding the application process or admissions decisions for an Arica Training should be directed to the Sponsor conducting that training.
The Arica Institute and licensed Sponsors admit students of any race, gender, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available through the Arica Institute or Arica Trainings.
Arica Institute and licensed Sponsors will make reasonable accommodations for qualified disabilities, provided these do not significantly interfere with the learning process and training environment of Arica Trainings.
In order to maintain the high quality of Arica Trainings, the Sponsor must exercise discretion over the application process, and reserves the right to deny admission to anyone who, in the sole discretion of the Sponsor, is unable to meet the admissions requirements.
To be admitted to a Training, or other activity using the Arica method, all applicants must be able to meet the following requirements, as determined by the Sponsor:
- Arica Trainings require a degree of physical, emotional, and mental exertion and stamina. Participants must have sufficient health and capacity in each of these areas to participate in all elements of the program without interfering unduly in the learning process and training environment for other participants.
- Participants must be able to participate in meditation, work well in a group, and demonstrate sufficient intellectual and emotional maturity to participate fully in the training.
- Arica Trainings do not confer any professional qualification in Arica material, nor do they confer permission to teach or use the copyrighted material or other intellectual property in any way. In order to protect Arica Institute’s and/or Oscar Ichazo’s copyrighted material and other intellectual property, licensed Sponsors reserve the right to decline admission to a participant who:
- has previously violated Arica’s and/or Oscar Ichazo’s intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights;
- has engaged in unauthorized use of Arica Institute’s and/or Oscar Ichazo’s intellectual property, including copyrighted material related to Arica Trainings;
- is involved professionally in any unauthorized use of such material;
- demonstrates an intention to use such material in an unauthorized manner.
- Prospective participants will undergo an interview as part of the admissions process.
- Participants must sign a non-disclosure agreement, agreeing that they will not use or disclose the information learned in any way that would violate any intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of Arica or its licensors.
- Participants must sign a release of liability agreement and may be required to sign a participant’s limited license agreement before being admitted to Arica Trainings.
- If anything is missing from a prospective participant’s application file, the Sponsor will offer a limited window in which to provide the outstanding information.
Arica, Arica School, and Universal Logos are registered trademarks of Ichazo, LLC.